I have spent the past few days struggling under one of the heaviest burdens a mother can place upon herself. Guilt.
Isn't it amazing how you can go through the day, feeling, as Simon calls it, "funky," without realizing why? (Funky, as in, "in a funk," aka throwing little temper tantrums in your head (or out of it) all day long. Flipping out over nothing, because something bigger is wrong and you haven't faced it or figured it out.) I am constantly trying to train myself to catch this midstream, address it, and get over it. It's hard. Especially when it's a nagging, come-and-go kind of funk. The kind that sneaks up on you when the quiet of naptime finally descends, or you walk into your kitchen to a sink-and-counter full of dirty dishes, and you suddenly feel like crying and/or screaming.
So, the name of the game lately: guilt funk. I'm feeling guilty for...something...and it starts to seep into my whole life, coloring my view of things and overburdening my heart.
Here's why this time. A couple of weeks ago, I began looking into teaching a couple of home school curriculum programs to Caleb. Nothing big, just a basic math (as in counting and matching) and phonics program. Then I started calling friends with lower school backgrounds, getting recommendations, and trying to make the best choice for us.
Then I started reading blogs. Enter guilt.
I am constantly amazed at the level of accomplishment and perfection some women attain!! I found a blog of one slightly obsessive woman who had made out a daily schedule (on a weekly basis--Mondays, do this, Tuesdays, this, etc). She had vacuuming, dusting and laundry EVERY DAY. No joke. I am super-lucky if I dust once a week. It's really more like, if I can make a finger-line on my beside table, then I'll put it on the "to-do" list. And get to it within a few days.
Okay, I am not that bad, really. I keep things nice and tidy around here. But I am also not that good. NO thirty-minute increments here. And then I find other, home-schooling blogs, with more women, feeling guilty because they
only did two hours of school and then a nature walk and then cleaned the house today. Geez, what a lazybones.
And it creeps in. The doubt. "Wait, am I supposed to be doing it that way? What in the world am I doing wrong, if my day is filled before I even get to the dusting? My kid can't count to twenty! He only counts to ten if we're counting jellybeans--cause it's no fun otherwise! Am I a bad mom, bad wife, lazy jerk? I
do read a little each day. And, yeah, I'm sometimes worthless until 8:30 or 9:00 am, depending on who slept/didn't sleep the night before. Am I a failure?"
Then comes the Unrealistic Resolve: "I must do better. I will get up at six tomorrow morning. There will be NO TELEVISION. I will play with my child ALL DAY, and by the end of the day he will be able to count to twenty, say the alphabet AND know three more catechism questions."
And of course, the guilt. Because I start out NOT getting up at six, and the rest of the day fails just as miserably. And then I angrily tell myself that those Crazy Blogging Women are the weirdos, not me. But I can't quite believe it...and am harangued by doubt and guilt thereafter.
SO. Let's be real. My kid is two. I have every intention of starting a
great homeschool program with him. However,
we can't afford it yet. Saving, yes. Buying now? No. Why do I allow myself to feel guilty for
that? I don't. Not anymore.
Satan LOVES guilt. And I think, as a young mother, I am more prone to it than any other time in my life so far. And when I get into a guilt funk, I start to sin, bigtime. I get sullen, resentful, defensive and--get this--
lazy. Enter more guilt, perpetuate problem. And Satan's dancing around laughing at the fact that, just by presenting me with a few women (who I don't even know!!) who do things differently--or, let's face it, better--than me, he can cause complete and total meltdown in my life. How infuriating!
I know, just
know that there are those of you out there doing just the same thing. And I know--of course!--that I can and should continue to grow, change and better myself and my life around here. But what I must not do, if I can help it, is allow myself to live under a constant weight of guilt and self-loathing. Because that doesn't just get me nowhere, it actually makes me worse!
So...be encouraged! I am not perfect. I can see a sinkful of dirty dishes from where I am typing! And, here's another "secret." I don't post blogs about the stuff I do wrong very often. Blogging is a controlled way to look fabulous--even in our guilt! "Oh, I did such a bad job today,
only cleaning the house and washing the dog and mowing the yard and teaching my kid Yiddish. I mean to paint my toenails, too." Bleh.
Don't be fooled by other women. We all have our weaknesses. Be confident that, with grace, we can change! Be honest that, without it, no schedule or resolve would ever be even slightly effective! And, when you feel guilty, like we all do, stop. Acknowledge it. Confess it. Speak Truth to yourself--or get your husband to do it. They're great at that, I find. And go on. Ask for grace and go on!
And, sorry for the dust.