Thursday, August 5, 2010

Sacrificial Mothering

Caleb has been at my mom's house for the past two nights.  It's been sad not to see him, but, wow am I accomplishing things!  I did more yesterday than I would get done in two weeks around here!

The most interesting part of not having him--this is the very fist time he's done this--is realizing how much he really does demand from me on a daily basis.  Even my thinking is constantly interrupted!  It makes me feel alot better about the things I do get done, despite the parenting!

I think, somewhere deep in my heart, I start to doubt my worth, and myself, when I have repeated "in between" days, or even just a whole week where I don't get the laundry and the mopping done, etc.  The world tells us that, as women, we can have it all, do it all, and still come out looking like supermodels.  But it simply isn't that way.  Motherhood is, ultimately, a complete sacrifice of who we are as women.  It's saying, "My life for yours," to our kiddos each and every day, in tiny little ways:  playing with him instead of reading or talking to friends, disciplining correctly instead of losing your temper or letting things slide, doing the housework, the cooking, the teaching, the planning and the loving instead of getting a tan and going to the gym.

So, you know it's really happening when you do look terrible, or you feel emotionally raw and drained.  Or your tummy still jiggles from your last pregnancy.  Those things mean you're doing something other with your time--giving it to someone else besides yourself.  That's what being a Mom is all about.


allison fernberg said...

I LOVE this. Really needed to hear it today!! I have been meaning to comment on ALL of your blogs....but every time I am about to I have one of those "other" moments you speak of! Thankful for you on this journey of of motherhood.

Anonymous said...

Abbie, it's Brie. The only way I can leave a comment is annonymously (oohh la la!). I wanted to tell you how much I appreciate the truth in your writing. You speak for so many women in your blog, and for me, the greatest gift is understanding.

P.S. I'm able to follow your blog through my Yahoo account! Booya!

P.P.S. What if you have a tummy that jiggled BEFORE your last pregnancy? :)

Anonymous said...

Geez, I misspelled anonymously. I hate that.

Unknown said...

My tummy has jiggled since...1990 something?

Someday I'll have time to remedy that. If I still even care by then!

Unknown said...

Hi, Abbie! Glad I saw your blog on your facebook status a little while ago, as I, too, love your honesty!

And to be honest, myself...
Reading about the challenges of motherhood you're facing somehow--paradoxically--both helps me to be more patient in waiting to become a wife AND increases my desire to experience such a depth of self-gift.

So thank you! It's a treat to stop by and see what you have to say.

hjt :)

Unknown said...

Wow...thanks, Haley! That's an incredible compliment. So encouraging to me!